The Office of Undergraduate Studies provides strategic direction and management that focuses on developing programs that prepare students for a rapidly evolving and inclusive information society. This includes identifying relevant course content, innovating instruction and course delivery modes and creating an environment that invites all students to engage in the college’s courses.
Services Provided
We also represent the college on several University committees, including:
It is the graduating student's responsibility to notify the University of their intent to graduate through LionPATH at the beginning of the semester in which the student plans to graduate. Check the Academic Calendar for the dates when students can activate their intent to graduate.
- Academic Calendar
- Affirmative Action Office
- Disability Services
- LionPATH
- Global Programs
- Graduate Teaching & Research Assistantships
- Multicultural Resource Center
- Office of Student Conduct
- Penn State Learning
- Registrar
- Student Aid
- Schedule of Courses
- The Graduate School
- University Libraries
- Undergraduate Learning Assistants

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies
411D Eric J. Baron Innovation Hub
(814) 867-0466

Administrative Support Assistant
411 Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
(814) 865-8747
Office of Undergraduate Studies
411D Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub
123 Burrowes Street
State College, PA 16802
(814) 865-8947