Funding Opportunities
Financial support for M.S. students is not guaranteed. In special circumstances where there are research or teaching support needs, an M.S. student may receive funding in the form of a part-time wage payroll position for up to 20 hours per week. Positions terminate at the conclusion of each semester and carry no guarantee of renewal.
For other financial aid, contact the Office of Student Aid for information on loans and grants or the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards for information on internal and external fellowships.
Graduate Research
Our students and faculty are engaged in cutting-edge projects in a variety of research areas, collaborating extensively with scholars within and outside the college on cutting-edge interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research.
Our research aims to solve society’s most challenging problems that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries—from responding to natural disasters to improving human health and well-being, from protecting national security to making sense of big data, from exploring the connections between gender and technology to utilizing GIS for humanitarian efforts.
Their work is done in the college's research centers and labs, which are led by national and international scholars that cover a broad spectrum of research areas. In addition to our own facilities, we maintain relationships with related centers and labs across the Penn State campus and collaborate around the world.