Photo of Taha Eghtesad


Informatics Ph.D. Student
Graduate Adviser
Aron Laszka
Graduate Cohort
University of Houston, Texas, Computer Science, M.S.
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran, Computer Engineering, B.S.

Taha Eghtesad joined the department of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University in 2022. He received his M.S. degree from the University of Houston in 2022. Currently, he is working as a research assistant under Dr. Aron Laszka.

Research Interests

He is interested in exploring the applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and game theory on computer security and cyber-physical systems. In specific, he tries to build more secure cyber-physical systems using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Research Keywords
Reinforcement Learning
Machine Learning
Cyber-Physical Systems
Reinforcement Learning
Systems Security