Photo of Xiaolong (Luke) Zhang

Xiaolong (Luke)

Associate Professor
E323 Westgate Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-9462
Ph.D., School of Information, University of Michigan, 2003
M.E., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1994
B.E., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 1992

Dr. Zhang’s research interests is in using advanced interactive technologies like multi-scale, virtual environments, and collaboration to improve the understanding of large information structures and the design of interactive tools to support visually-guided navigation in large information space. Currently, he is working on issues concerning multi-facet visualization of information structures and multi-scale navigation. At IST, Zhang teaches courses related to the organization of data. Previously, he has taught courses of research methods and collaborative information retrieval.

Research Keywords
Information Visualization/Visual Analytics
Gesture-based User Interaction
Social Network Analysis
Collaboration Systems